分3臺冰箱使用?BIGBANG 太陽公開冰箱內食物的 結果 成為話題

31日, JTBC ’拜托冰箱’中冰箱內部受到關注。網友們表示 “從冰箱裏出現皮膠手套是嚇了壹跳”,“在‘無限挑戰’中也帶了大豬肉吧?”,“3台冰箱,無法相信”等。

↓Drinks and fruits are mixed to hate SOL



↓melon, peach

↓Apple Mango

↓mini paprika


↓ grapefruit、 lemon citron


↓1988 Year Old Wine


↓alcohol was a gift


↓remaining strawberry cake


↓from Jeju red tilefish and cutlass

↓pork chops, etc. (Bulk)


↓Organic sausages past the expiration date


↓white eggs

↓on pork belly in Jeju (Bulk)

↓different kimchi mother dipped


↓rubber gloves??????????


▲Image Source:A Capture of JTBC「Take care of the refrigerator」